Monday, May 9, 2011

Free Kates Playground Full Set

Before you go ... Uncertainty

"Nearby lie the remains of a being that
possessed beauty without vanity, strength without insolence,
is courage without ferocity and all the virtues of man without vices. "
[phrase that Lord Byron wrote as an epitaph for his dog]
------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
And they were many years, a lot of pain in his four legs ... Misty died early yesterday, apparently in his sleep. What I can say it has not already said on other occasions. Although with us for over a decade I have not shed a single tear, you can not mourn the death of someone whose suffering was longer than his agony. It hurt more to see her alive, struggling to breathe, to see his body and, motionless and silent.

course I miss you, there's no doubt. I will miss when I come home and find only two moving furry tail. I will miss her when you say his name by mistake, it serves cakes for two instead of three. When you see crumbs scattered on the kitchen and she is not there, the lookout, trying to eat anything that falls from the stove. I will miss her to look back and realize that there is no one following in my footsteps. When we move house and leave behind all that live here, share and dream. These walls saw it grow, play and die.

This is perhaps all I can say about it. I wish I could spend better words but right now I do not get anything. Below is a video in his memory with some of the many photographs we have of it.

Neither the post title or the song of the video have been chosen at random. "Before you go" is the name of the photo album I have of Misty in my laptop, photographs I took in the last months of life. song "The time came" appears on the OST of Pokemon (yeah, yeah, the anime that caused furor years ago). Pokemon Misty came when he enjoyed huge fame (hence it gets its name), one month before arrival Tyke died, our dog. That song was a balm in troubled times and now again, 11 years later to become the background music of a small tribute to the life of my dog.

* To enjoy the video, should be left pause a while to wait for it to finish loading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Perrier Water Good For Digestion

Continua Alliance publishes its recommendations on interoperability of PHR

CONTINUES ALLIANCE has published its recommendations on the interoperability of PHR (Personal Health Record), these conclusions have been developed within the framework of the project SMART PERSONAL HEALTH.
More information: CGALLEGO.ES

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is It Illegal To Have A Electric Generator?

prefer your order in this world ...

"Thousand and one nights malice, a thousand and one nights of intimidation,
thousand and one nights of fire and greed, a thousand and one nights without God or forgiveness
-------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Osama Bin Laden is dead .

And here is where you could end this post, but it will not. Many place-as I write these lines, the death of a leader who used terror and fanaticism as the only standard. It will be a long night of celebration in the land of Stars and Stripes. It may take days to realize that the death of the leader of Al Qaeda is not anywhere near the end of terrorism. It is not, nor ever will, justice finally come true. They killed the leader, but are followers, fans, lessons, ammunition and weapons but especially the terror. No matter how many killed or has to spend many years, society has already learned to live with an eternal fear of everything and will continue.

I've never understood the war, not one. While it is true that it was precisely the armed conflicts that have made us who we are it seems illogical that in the XXI century still resort to violence as the ultimate solution to their problems. The world's most wanted man has been killed during the government of a Nobel Peace , a man who in his speech said award, basically, there are times is necessary to kill a few to prevent the deaths of thousands . One justification that has been used before and also USA. George W. Bush always spoke of "preventive wars", ie going to kill before being killed. The action in Iraq was the most shameful and disgusting in his government. We might also remember the man who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, never regretted his act and even said he would do it again if necessary because it helped that there were fewer victims. Still, U.S. always wants to stand as heroes of this story (is the country which ensures that peace is the one that sells weapons? What not to build nuclear weapons will never use? * ) , advocates of democracy and freedom and do not know what else, and its citizens, innocently believe it, why are there tonight, so crazy, so elated, so happy and content.

I'm not saying that Osama Bin Laden deserved to live, not one to make a statement of that caliber, but it is a matter of logic to realize that the problem here is just beginning. Al Qaeda not cease to exist because their leader is dead. The tube full years to train and supervise people who would get the power when he died, was not stupid, so rest assured. There will be retaliation, be sure that I do not know how long it will take to the American people understand the situation we have in the future as they have apparently never understood something very basic: violence begets violence, hatred breeds more hatred.

is difficult to understand why we celebrate both. Experiencing a moment of euphoria in the vain idea that finally justice has been done, I can not understand this because, as anyone out there, I can not understand a society which does not belong, so close, yes, but so far at a time. There is a border (and I mean the physical) that prevents us from understanding to the U.S.. Do not act the same way or have the same culture. We never had a 11-S, and we have an army that is capable of declaring war (I'm talking about Mexico). It's like telling an American who understands the reason why so many Latin American countries and leave their families to embark on the ordeal of crossing the border, if they really understood it would not be so racist. What we do know-and probably non-USA people is that when you kill a leader like Osama, the violence escalates to frightening levels. We are not terrorists, it is true, we have drug dealers, but both have one thing in common, they use terror to intimidate, to corner, to intimidate. Festejaríamos never catch a Mafia boss because we know that sooner or later, bullets were heard in the distance, hang the bodies of the pedestrian bridges will blankets be frightening messages, men appear mutilated Yes, take revenge, killed their leader! (The struggle for territory is another matter). I'm sure any militant group would do the same.

have to wait and see what happens in the next days, months or years but, as almost a decade ago, I would say that there is a before and after May 2, 2011 .

is not pessimism, is a matter of logic.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why High Bilirubin In Pcos

BERNARD BERENSON: "Living" the work of art.

Every true work of art is already a simplification and interpretation. Further simplify, and interpret it with greater penetration or subtlety, you can reduce it to one concept. This concept is critical that imposes on its readers, instead of helping you "live" work of art.

of Aesthetics and history in the visual arts "

Free Wooden Saddle Rack Pattern


Every time I have formulated a theory, the next morning my first thought was to put it aside. Most men formulate theories and are prisoners of them, in life and in death.

of "Conversation with Berenson" by Umberto Morra

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How To Know When Your Orgasimin

THE MARZIANO - Ana Katz (2011)

According tells the Taoist tradition, the primary unit was broken by the act of creation that separated the Heaven of Earth. These two elements, and separate, continued the story, "is dream and miss" hiding a secret longing to meet.

separate elements, Heaven and Earth in a possible interpretation, refer to well-defined human characteristics: the sky would come close to the intangible, the immaterial, "inside" and the Earth corporeal, so apprehensive, "outside." Heaven, too, would be the beginning male and female Earth. Yang and Yin.

are opposed to the apparent but necessarily complementary. Constitute a marriage in which its members are remembered by oblivion.

Marziano Brothers, separately, such characteristics mentioned that in the depths of his being, miss the Unit.

Juan (Guillermo Francella) is all heaven. Proved unable or do not want too-inserted into the working world, is a dreamer, a "loose cannon." Soon discover that you have a vision problem.

Luis (Arturo Puig) Earth is all. A practical man who has achieved good economic and resides in a gated community that will soon appear mysterious wells that will cause a "crash" and a broken right arm (1). Both

-brothers-are perceived opposites but can guess, necessarily complementary.

As regards every being in particular, whether John or Louis, miss these features are needed, on which he missed when absent, long for a reunion. To clear obstacles in the path of John or wells in the country of Luis. Returning to the narrative

eastern end, say that it is completed as follows:
From that marriage, in which Heaven is the father and Earth mother, born a Son, made up of two basic elements, is the mediator for the wedding was originally occur. The Son is a bond, a passage, a bridge to produce the joint.

In The Marziano fulfills that role Delfina (Rita Cortese) ... and John's own daughter, on the occasion of his birthday, re-unites the brothers apart.

Wells, of course, continue to appear and cause other falls. Unit Lost

involves traversing a winding path which is easy to get lost. It is the easiest.

(1) Recall the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, who is said that by watching the stars walk (live suspended in the "air") fell into a well (could not see it immediately.) Perhaps ironically, we can say that Luis, immersed in his "world" is unable to see the other "worlds" that run around and therefore falls into the well.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Denise Milani Before And After Implants

Questions about the blog ...

My collection of wood turtles ^___^.
My dad has given me the years.
may soon migrate to a new home:).
------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Andrym789 happened to me these questions for months by e-mail to see if she could respond and now found the time to answer them: D.

1 .- How's your blog and what is the reason for his name?
I do not know how many times I've mentioned above but do it again: D. My blog is called + + + + My Paradise Desert for two main reasons 1) Since I read the title of the third album by Ismael Serrano "desert havens" fell in love with him and 2) By creating I wanted my blog make a virtual log which would overturn all my thoughts / opinions / writings. Would be things that I'd like to see in the future, revise from time to time, back to what I wrote years ago, but never did it with the intention of the rest of the world to read (though obviously taking in I put it on the internet). This blog was created to be that, a personal paradise for me and for anyone else, there is precisely the term "desert."

2 .- What platform do you use?
Google's Blogger. I tried using Wordpress , and perhaps even better, but too complicated for the purpose of my blog =

4 .- Is there a phrase that makes you remember your blog?
"havens deserts. That lovers and drunkards go to hell, can not be true, believe it is impossible, if they go to hell lovers and drunkards, will be uninhabited desert paradise "
Omar Khayam, the poet, mathematician and astronomer Persian).

"Thousands of wilderness paradise, many uninhabited house, abandoned by speculation and power waiting to be squatted to become islands of resistance, so necessary in these difficult days "
(Ismael Serrano
Words to introduce song" Haunted House " , a song dedicated to Okupa Movement ).

3) "This paradise was no longer inhabited wilderness" (a fragment of the song "Power Light" , also of Ishmael).
5 .- Do you have the template you've designed?

No, at the bottom you can see the relevant appropriations. Although I have to confess that yes has been modified by me, and in such an appalling that there are things that can not be made level becauseé.hice.mal. But I've said before that the HTML and I do not get anything right XDDDD. Over the years he has gone through several blog templates and all different colors, from purple, green, pink, white and blue but I always end up going back to black. It is a color that fascinates me and looks wonderful with white lettering. And so sencillito and everything in its place because I can not stand seeing things scattered everywhere.

6 .- What was your first post?
My first post was
"Some people ..."
published September 14, 2007 and is dedicated to my grandparents. Includes a poem by

Hamlet Lima Quintana (who did not give him credit because he knew it was XD). And you can see, my spelling was awful, lol.

7 .- What is your favorite post and why?
"My island of resistance as the speed burst" , simply because I felt something magical about writing. Unlike most I wrote my post in literally less than 10 minutes. It was so natural and therapeutic environment in addition to "change" that was felt at that moment was wonderful, not forgetting of course the heavenly light that was in front of me. Pity that Libya still do not know what is freedom and Mexico even showered him mutilated bodies and bursts of AK-47.

8 .- Where do you get the photographs that appear on your blog?
some time that I have only pictures of myself, if not get the appropriations.
9 .- Any Once you have "plagiarized" or "stolen" a post and / or photo?

I did during the first years of the blog in the area of \u200b\u200bthe photos, the post seemed to me always stealing horrible XDDD (I made my blog to put my words, not the other!). But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe photographs was different, I had no camera minimally good so I took them from elsewhere. It is clear that at the time I knew nothing about copyright and stuff, so not used to where he had taken;).
10 .- Have you repented of writing a post? If so, why?

There are several post on this blog gives me a tremendous shame if any ever published.
In my head I say "what the hell was I thinking when I wrote this?"
And the reasons are varied, from being badly written, bad spelling, ideals change over time, editing, etc.. The good news is that over the years have improved and I am very proud of my recent publications. The reason why I do not delete or edit those entries is because they represent what I one day and compare with this, I realize that I have not been stagnant.
11 .- Do you care your spelling or is an aspect that you do not mind?

The best I can, I'm not a crack or a Taliban spelling but I worry that my post is perfectly understandable. I love my language and I suppose the least I can do is write it well, doing nothing costs me ♥. That is one of the greatest gifts that the Internet has given me the courage to write well, this sounds very silly to be true. Mmmmmuuuuy may sound superficial but for me a person who writes relatively well has my respect and admiration, but their ideology or viewpoint does not match mine. Indeed, in Twitter I discovered that there are "artists" who write HORRIBLE (yes, with all capital letters XD).
12 .- Is it a theme or personal blog?

is a personal blog more than anything, if I wanted to blog theme you would elsewhere but not here. In fact, I have a huge desire to blog about Social Phobia, it bothers me a little misunderstood is the problem today and the vision so ignorant that you have some (that of "Go and confront your fear to that the superstructure "but do not give you tools to overcome this fear I feel pathetic, really -_-). In fact, you could write a book on Social Phobia.
13 .- What countries get more visitors?

According to statistics from Blogger here's the list according to the number of visits.
1 .- Mexico (beloved country!)
2 .- 3 .- 4 .- Argentina Chile
U.S. 5 .- 6 .- Colombia

7. - Peru Venezuela
8 .- 9 .- 10 .- Ecuador
big thank you to everyone! (Including the inhabitants of the countries that do not appear on the graph : D).
If we focus in the last month things change a bit:
Colombia 4 .- 9 .- 10 .- Germany Russia

Screenshots here

14 .- Do people who frequently visit you will leave comments?

No, most do not, and I appreciate that part. I am a very proactive person, I could not sleep just thinking that tomorrow I'll have to check my blog and find X amount comment, because I have a hobby pylon answer them all XD. 15 .- Do your parents know you have this blog?

Yes I know, but I told you so. In fact almost anyone I said that I have blog, they often found out on their own or other people.
16 .- Have you ever published an article in your blog somewhere else?

I know there are a couple of articles that have been published in a newspaper of the region and I have given written permission for that, but I've never seen how to prove it for myself because en mi casa nadie compra periódicos; pero amistades de mis padres confirman que sí han visto mi nombre plasmado por allí XD. También he encontrado por la web dos artículos míos pero en blogs distintos. Uno es el de
"El lamento de las locomotoras al amanecer" y el otro es el de "Fobia Social: cómo es vivir con el virus del miedo"
pero ambos blogs mencionan la fuente así que no me molesta en lo absoluto :).

17.- ¿Alguien especial que haya dejado uno(os) comentario(s) en el blog?
Claro que todos son especiales y tienen su pisca de fascinación a la hora to write and I deeply appreciate that. But when the journalist Rodolfo Serrano said one of my entries for the first time I freaked out, literally freaked. It may sound funny but I read articles about him before listening to the songs of his son, 'D. I remember reading a beautiful poem on a page whose address I can not remember but I do know what a blog was Argentina and was written by him about 5 or 6 years, and later I found the song "Dad, tell me again " composed of two of their children and I never heard that were familiar, LOL. Only later and a forum where someone related and I do not believe me and I had to do biographies and stuff XDDDDD.
Mr. Serrano's blog
it often almost since its inception, always read and occasionally I leave a comment. I am fascinated by his poems and there are some that will inevitably draw tears me: $. Also when I had added my blog to your sidebar, I felt I had won the Nobel Prize: D
(yes, I'm an exaggerated)
18 .- Do you have time, space and / or requirements at the time of writing? Puf! The truth itself is something like: "Stop the world, stop wars, no one breathes, the sun is frozen, the noises cease, that humans do not speak and that the dogs did not bark to death because I'll write a post for my blog, thank you " . To write something I need complete silence for that reason I write mostly at night / early morning, when everyone is asleep and no noise in the environment. When I write day I usually put the headphones with instrumental or classical music but nothing that has voices because then I sing the song instead of typing, lol.

19 .- Do you have other blogs besides this?
Tumblr and Twitter in the area and one on Livejournal microbloggins the basically what I use to be active in the communities of the fandoms I follow and how much time to write a little something random that I do not feel like posting here:).
20 .- The head of your blog is permanent or changing?

At first it was permanent and there was a time that changed every month until I realized it was a tremendous roll and used to forget to do a new one, so I decided to stay with a permanent that change only on special occasions .
21 .- Do you find inspiration in a subject, a song, a commission or a specific reason?

My blog covers various topics, all kinds and from different countries. The reasons are many, from a song to a story but never could write to order, I've tried (and indeed I've done it!) But I can not leave me no words and that frustrates me too so I end up to leave it aside.
Someone once asked me why MSN, if I was in Mexico, there was no article on my blog concerning the deaths of Ciudad Juárez but I wrote about the miners of Chile and earthquake in Japan. And the answer is: there are issues for which I have no words, I can not tell my mind what to write and when to write. The inspiration comes, I will take this and for me that is enough. I have an article I wrote in 2009, just days after the fire in the Sonoran ABC Nursery, but I could never finish. I never knew how to dump into words all the feelings I had at that time. I wrote another one, in 2010, on the same subject and was never published because it wanted to do, not bear to see from time to time the post when you review the past months. The same thing happens with the mistreatment of animals, are topics for which my words become nothing and I prefer silence rather than write.

22 .- Last question. Would you recommend someone to have a blog?
Absolutely, everyone can try but that does not mean that everyone will like. Some people have the ability to write a lot and never get tired of doing it, others do only occasionally. The blog will have to put some dedication and write content that make you feel satisfied, if you write just to write without looking fall in love with your writings do not think it worthwhile to have a blog.
These questions can be answered either:).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wedding Overlay Table For Sale

What is the life cycle of a standard?

This is a great article that exposes all of the standards development process: The standards development process

Can Tetralysan Cause Dysphagia

COLD FISH - Sion Sono (2010)

A macrocosm: The universe. Within
him a celestial planet millions of years ago was born and will die in as many. The entire "life" that inhabits one day be "frozen fish." But while both are alive, beats.

A microcosm: The man (and every) inhabiting this planet, who has built a "world, a cosmos, at their convenience.
Is "Live" that is human or frozen fish, cold fish?

Because of "being alive" is Cold Fish, excellent film Sion Sono. Of "being alive" while life lasts. As the planet Earth.

Performer Cold Fish, owner of a small aquarium with a family of his second wife and a teenaged daughter who resists, has not opted for life. As a protection against adverse foreign judges anesthetized sensitive hand-intuitive to avoid conflicts, has opted to be very "civilized" the best Japanese style and resigned, thus the completeness (which would contain both the light and the dark inside). Has decreased, in short, his vital capacity. And

denied at any time, appears claiming their space. And the repressed returns, this time by the whole. The "darkness" is progressing on the "false clarity" of his life in a night of "storm" through a demon, in a car "red" ...

Cold fish is a long journey of initiation (initiation, remember, is to "die" in a symbolic sense, to return to "birth") where the blood flows in spurts, the red blood of life. Hot and sensual.

The protagonist will have exhausted its life time, you can not re-start her life after initiation, after being "unfrozen" ... but it can do (and do) for their offspring, (for which come after the rest of humanity, metaphorically speaking) to change the rules in use. Start

her daughter in pain. Because life is also pain and denial, disguise, obscure, as he actually is nothing to deny life. The complete life.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Did Deborah Sampson Fear?

innovation not all that glitters .... Medics Guide dispositius

is undoubtedly continue talking about innovation ...
But are innovative projects which we sold as such?
must be serious and give formal innovation.
is innovation any project that is formally structured to do so.
That has the following framework:

Project objectives and strategy to achieve
Innovation and novelty of the project
state of the art technical limitations of the current state
Scientific and / or technical project proponent


Project Planning and role of different organizations within organizational structure and personnel

planning tasks and their interactions
Control Risk Identification and Management
Define risk management features in their story to results and achievements, its uncertainty and exploitation of results.
And this is the standard UNE 166001. Carlos Gallego

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is There A Way To Make Monogrammed Cups?

Knife Psycho

... And the knife is, first and foremost, a knife, a knife for cutting meat, long steel, sharp and dull.
then but only then, is also a phallus, which is part of the construction of the scene as a symbolic rape.

VF Perkins - "The language of cinema "

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Whats The Salary For A Sports Anchor

a tall tale - Sebastián Borensztein (2011)

Roberto (the character made by Ricardo Darin) is convinced that the world is inexplicable chaos and obeys no logic.

built to defend a small world particularly rational, safe and predictable, and has been locked in it, after security bars that offer their local hardware store.
Those "incredible" that can give support his theory of irrationality to justify their foreign and premature closure are cut and pasted into a personal album.

In the courtyard, as if tuck away under the carpet, has been depositing those old junk, obviously, be construed as a metaphor for what has been denied and repressed. What he has denied and repressed?

A box should contain two hundred and two hundred nails nails. However, Roberto has found nails and one hundred eighty-four or one hundred eighty-six. It is not logical.

No, not logical. Is the need of the fantastic that Roberto has repressed and returns to reclaim its place covertly. The need we have-and have the ability to listen, a "tall tale."

What a disappointment if the box actually contains two hundred nails!

What the man, in a general level, has declined from an extreme rationalism and the Roberto character represent?

Whatever the reason can not explain. Take the name you want to give: Fantasy, Metaphysics, God, spirituality, etc..

The problem for Roberto, and the man is that he denied, at some point, with an undesirable form, violently come to claim their place in the constitution of self.

... And from "the other side of the world" in the safe life of Robert, see the "monster" Chinese who come to disrupt all the papers, to sabotage the perfect plan.

is not logical to have a Chinese at home!

Finally, the acceptance of the repressed will clean trash the "courtyard" and bring it to the street, will tear down the shelves where objects are kept dead and from this, give rise to life. A true life. A life that contains also fantastic. A full life.

Roberto, released, will find life.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Masquito Like Bumps On My Arms

Questions! (Hopefully they are intelligent answers XD)

A flower I found the way to the track. :)
And now continue with the questions!
● • • √ эиu ⓩ • • ● has given me this questionnaire so I very willingly I do it because I do not know the reason for my addiction to answer stuff but how are you love ♥.
certainly makes a couple of days I had saved another meme in my Google Docs for literally years, is about showing our MundoReal ™ desktop (not our computer) and I have done. Livejorunal I put it in the photo to see big one but they can also see more interactive
this link to my Flickr :).
How many questions you can answer intelligently?

Any questions?

What is the reason for the revolving doors? Why not just put a normal door or one of those that open automatically?
One certainty

No matter how hard I try, the Human Being will never be perfect.
A color

For some strange reason I always liked the yellow (or purple).
A desire

What now? IPod Touch
A good quality headphones. Amen.
A virtue

Goodness, I can not hate anyone no matter how bad it is awful:).

phrase "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent"
phrase Isaac Asimov in one of his books).

A dream
Having a long and happy life.
A defect

One? I have a lot XD. I'm, perhaps, with my terrible inferiority complex I've had almost a lifetime.
What does it mean for you a blank?

The written word as yet. The future.
Do you write out of necessity or a hobby?

For passion. There are times when I do it for need, but not economically. When I'm stressed out I feel great after writing about something that concerns me as if I should take a huge load off when posting an entry like that and show the world, but these are exceptional cases. Most of the time is pure and holy love, me love to write just for writing. There was a time when I worried about making entries about things that people want or upgrade because someone asked me, but I do not, I can not. This blog did for me, with the hope that many of the other side of the screen to identify with my writings but never write down what they wanted to read it then that the "virtual newspaper" would be meaningless.
On the other hand, I can not imagine doing this as a job. Perhaps for that reason professions such as literature or journalism do not interest me at all. I can not force myself to write because it would result in pathetic XD.

Do you put music on your Blog?
I did a while. In the first year of the blog had a host of gadget in the sidebar and for me my blog was the best in the world. Among those was a music gadget in case anyone wanted to hear to get into my blog (never got the automatic player) but over time I removed it and the reason is simple: many people as they surf the web listen to their own music and is quite annoying (I say this because I have experienced many times) to get a blog and suddenly, just like that, you skip a song he never requested it and know it comes from Where God. It is not pleasant for the reader, especially for someone who does not share the same musical tastes you XDDDD.

Are you an emotional person?

Taking the word literally without going over the exclusive meaning of love yeah, I'm a pretty sentimental.

Why do leaves commit suicide when they feel yellow?
(Yes, that is P
Pablo Neruda, but since I read "The Book of Questions" I thought beautiful).

If you wanted something, what would they be?
A Touch iPod headphones A family vacation with all expenses paid to a country other than this ^___^ (I want a break from this reality even once in life: D .)

When you write what you feel?
Frustration! When I think of something that I want to reflect on the blog may be, for example at 10 am and I have to Dante so turned on from here to turn on my laptop-there by 4 pm, and open Google Docs to write I forget my entrance the words, story, sequence, etc. and I get frustrated enough o_O (yes, I know I have to have a voice recorder for this case I want to the iPod!) .
Are you a believer?

Well, I guess we are all believers in something right? ;). Although I have always liked to doubt everything, questioning and, better yet, try to understand. I like to run into the harsh reality that is. Maybe call it arrogance, I prefer to call it an astrophysicist did: humility. Knowing the truth of things to discover the smallness of human being. Know that we are not nor have we ever been the center of the universe, or heaven. Perhaps our greatest strength is our greatest flaw: the intelligence. We have come thanks to those who dared to question the established while the rest remained silent and nodded as the executioners said. Come on, go against the tide as long as you know that the reason I believe is sincere and noble and will not harm another human being.
If you were not a believer, what would you believe?

I do not know whether to answer this question and is answered with the above but I believe in the truth.)

What do you expect from life?

A roller coaster! That is what I expect of life XDDD.
have a blog, why?

Because when I had not felt I was going to blow the head to have a lot of ideas tucked in there and not knowing where to overturn. This blog is like a safety valve and is my refuge when I want to protect something.
When the world falls apart I come to my paradise and invented my little utopia.
Think you're a person who recognizes your worth?

I hope so! I recognize that some people threw me flowers on some writings that I or my way of being and although I'm dying of shame I have to admit it feels pretty good when someone compliments me strip that way: $.

What would you ask of life?

Generosity, please:).
The guest can do it ANYONE!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lic Money Back Policy

a glorious awakening - Roger Michell (2010 ) BRIAN DE PALMA

By intuition or knowingly breathed in American film legend.

"Morning Glory / A glorious awakening" myth breathe, breathe humanity.

circular time, the myth of eternal return. Cycles.

was "born" in the spring (leaves, flowers, fruits ...) and "dies" in winter. To "re-born" again next spring.

Similarly, in modern life, our "New Year," our hope "reborn" of each January, as older leaves fall and dies calendar "year-end." To "re-birth" to the next.

cycles. From dawn to dusk. And a new dawn.

Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford) has completed its cycle, has grown old and is dying (as a journalist) as well as the "Dawn" of American television. For both night falls.

Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) and spring brings a new dawn ("re-born" in his new job as a producer of the "Dawn" after being "dead" in the above).

cycle, the circle is present in the staging: notified of his new job, Becky uproar bursts from within the circle of the letter "a" (logo of the television.) The pigeons fly. It's Spring, is the re-birth.

We take comfort in the re-birth of Becky, the re-birth of Mike Pomeroy, the re-birth of the "Dawn." It's that simple. So human. Such is life.

How Do You Save On Pokemon Red

Juarez Angel in the cemetery.

Juarez Angel in the cemetery. , A photo by LKML on Flickr. ----------------------------------------------

Monday, March 28, 2011

Donating Office Space To Non-profits

"Facts of Life" (throwing a program from start to finish.) Dear

Ángel en el cementerio Juárez. by LKML
chose the day of the Father of the Americas
more symbolic to the subject. Well, not really, but let us go.
Several years ago, during an interview, the journalist James
Zabludovsky said he's spent a great time watching documentaries on Discovery Channel
the bar and entertainment from its former home (

) left much to be desired so it's not this kind of channels tuned. I do not blame indeed understand. Those were times of Big Brother
, the boom of reality shows had come and with them a new form of entertainment. At that time

Laura Bozzo and his insufferable talk show was a nightmare quite distant and alien to the country. I do not know what to say today Mr. Zabludovsky on two major national television networks and their great lineup (understand the sarcasm, please), but to me that I am nobody, I feel rather sorry , as it surely what follows is my feeling. Still, we both continue revealing to see foreign television documentaries and so avoid a massive neuronal suicide. By a twist of fate and winds of the Bermuda Triangle and the Zone of Silence on Monday I went to see "Great Migration" of National Geographic

to "Items Life
. The difference is huge, of course. The first program not only bordered on perfection with a soundtrack that skin crawl but also wanted to ask her to marry the narrator for that report image cadence so stupidly beautiful. The second program, by contrast, were screams and shouts of a handful of descendants of Homo Sapiens
playing a little too vulgar whose main purpose was, apparently, see who yelled the loudest at the same time. could change, but I did not. I did not want to delay any longer one of those dreams that you end up watching gory as a personal challenge. Never in my life I've swallowed a full program of this type (a talk-show, come on). or Christina, or Carmen Salinas, and Rocío Sánchez Azuara and I even talk about Laura Bozzo she is at another level. I do not like, not my style and it does not interest me at all, but always wanted to put in my blog an opinion on this which I had not ventured as I had never seen a comprehensive program to corroborate my theory. How can we check that something is rubbish? For testing it! I did ... and oh my god! Where's the Inquisition when you need him? (I know, I know, still exists, has another name, is in the Vatican and you do not kill people) .
not even know where to start because I saw far surpassing Dali surrealism

, The world's most expensive painting and discovering the missing link.
Let's see, "Facts of Life" of Rocío Sánchez Azuara is offering TVAZTECA as direct competition from other frightening thing called
Televisa "Laura" by the Peruvian
Laura Bozzo
(before Niurka but was also the demons of the underworld or the bore and went the way it came).

To understand where does this love triangle LAURA-hate-ROCIO NIURKA we would have to go back months ago to see one of the more bizarre moments of Mexican television and would only show the unethical of the two largest television Mexico. That was a bickering verbiage that was transmitted live and in a "family hour" between the two drivers in their respective programs (here Niurka or comes to mind but I put it together), and as I get very little pain to get those dirty linen in the sun as best I keep quiet and go to the issue I want to be treated. ------------

Tome pencil in hand, notebook in bed, two aspirin and remote control by (for emergencies) and I took courage, along with my younger brother to see the show that had just begun.
The episode in question, as always boasted of its lofty title, whose content expresses the problem dealt with in 1 or 2 cases almost identical. In this case it was something like "My boyfriend wants to sell to his friends" , and we had first a young woman named Roxana Ramírez
whose unfortunate fate was apparently the life of Precious Jones
as a melodrama in three weights.

Roxana Ramírez, the protagonist suffers as Precious.

I narrate the story of Roxana briefly: the girl left her boyfriend (or husband, can not remember) because the guy drank a lot. But they left him alone, also left her baby with him.
First problem: left her baby with a man who was often drunk, OK. Both had another baby who died of leukemia. Roxana was with another man who promised the heaven and the stars, and as love is blind (BLIND ENOUGH! In this case) because she believed every semicolon said. Everything was farce, obviously. A friend's new boyfriend, and here I quote At this point put a pretty crappy recreation of what happened those days and Roxana in the study wept and wept and wept, while in the video she called emergency aid to the Dew because it relied more on in the Mexican justice system (I also do) or any non-profit organization organization that helps abused women (she did not say this but I intuit). Rocío Sánchez Azuara us the holy please tell us why the poor woman cry like a cupcake at Mount Calvary ... "My God, began to see the images and as he began to relive everything that happened" DO NOT TELL ME! : O The chick can not handle his life and has a huge fear because in addition to the above-boyfriend and marketer of brand-name threatened to kill her and her baby. And here is where Mark put somewhere in the forum. The guy seems that acting classes were watching videos of Dolphin
"I began to coax him to go to Poker" . The Romeo that he lost his best playing cards (which makes me believe that the plane could not play) and as I had nothing more to offer then began to sell his girlfriend.
and a single instruction: "Deny everything." He never stopped moving his head. Rocío tried to calm the woman saying that they will make sure that does not happen anything at all and this is where there is a typical clichés of the talk-show using the same theme: the entire audience begins to clap and shout and again the name of the driver for his integrity, compassion and kindness, aha!

how dare blame him? That looks so innocent: $

As if life were not so miserable Roxana with the foregoing, it appears that Mark also beat and one of the friends that he was attracted to her. According to statements of the victim was sold as 6 or 7 times. To make the matter more dramatic Rocío asked Roxana if you never thought to raise a complaint and she said something intangible half and then finish with a quote from those to raise the audience: "He knows I'm here," Nooooooo ! How was it then? : O
as I * Drama *
Roxana: "Mark, I tortillas after a while back. "
And Roxana went
studies TVAZTECA
* END *

Another thing: Suppose you have a family problem, you are invited to the program of "Facts of Life" and obviously they're going to present to the person with which you have the problem. So why the Roxana and Mark are so surprised and outraged to see each other? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

I am a lawyer but look how I move my hand! O__O

Rocío insists again and again the poor woman that nothing happens, the woman says she is afraid that the mate \u0026lt;- repeat this scene about 5 times and that's what happened reality. Obviously the driver was "preparing" to Roxana because it came the highlight of the show: the controversy at its best. It was time to present to the Machiavellian Marcos. By now the audience and applauded him for like 3 times Sánchez Azuara BY SAYING THE SAME AGAIN AND AGAIN! The host asks a lawyer named Lupita Martinez to give you moral support as they present the subject Roxana ... A lawyer! CALL AN ATTORNEY FOR MORAL SUPPORT YOU A YOUNG WHO WAS RAPED! Do not have a psychologist lost among so many forums?
I was on one side of the Lupita was a psychoanalyst.
After all this, after preparation that gave Roxana Rocío swearing that he would not let Mark near her, after the tremendous moral support involved the lawyer above what is first thing the guy? AS IS ABOUT TO ROXANA! on the defensive and macho, blah, blah, blah. We, the typical cliché cheap.

Then is when you have that contest I talked about earlier: the fall production, the audience yells, the Marcos also the Rocío not be said, the cries Roxana, Lupita does not know what fart and I wanted to change the channel or pay TV.
to see people, let us pause for logic and reason.
* I propose a moment of silence for the dead neurons that day. It was a slaughter that v_v *
As the subject did not stop yelling at the Roxana and stripping Rocío not even God he decided to set out the type of up to behave ...

They do know that it is acting right? RIGHT?!
If there is still some soul seeking to believe that this is "green" and people who are not acting as it can go where wine (or search on YouTube / Google / web / forums to corroborate what I mean.)

already know that the panelists are recycled every so often (the panelists in this case are the Roxana and Marcos but after a while longer appear.) There are (I can not call actors because they are not) people who appeared on
"Laura for all"
then appeared on "Facts of Life"
, these cases are already well known so I do not annoy me!

I wonder if Laura Bozzo and Rocío Sánchez Azuara see people as stupid and ignorant. And another Pegunta "is the same people that applauded for each program?!

Let an enormous effort to trick our minds and believe for a moment that everything that has appeared at this time not one iota of lies and pseudo-action.

1) If you fear enough to Roxana Monster Azuara Sanchez Marcos and also aware of that trauma, why let them face to face again? Are you aware of the psychological damage involved?
2) Is the program live? Why, if you have a pure evils of society (I mean bad), not one drop a rude?

3) And what time the program went into production to put hidden cameras in the house where the woman lived? How many days recorded? Once denounced "anything?
4) Do you record WHEN Abusing THE POOR WOMAN?! Because there is already have it in the room and type until he removes his shirt.

trágame LAND AND SEND ME TO ANOTHER COUNTRY IN THE PROCESS! Any movie of bollywood is more credible than this!
During the next-and timeless-minute forum saw the screaming every one by his side. At various times is even looking forward to Mark burst into a loud laugh with so much ridicule in the air. Then comes a glorious moment I will remember for the rest of my life:

Rocío: No Work is fucking except you do! DOG bastard!


* And somewhere in Mexico, gunmen say, DEW, DEW, DEW! *
And at this point I have stopped believing in humanity. I do not know how people support this kind of programs every day. May come from families as dysfunctional as those shown here because otherwise I do not see it head or feet. Also, I assume that this entire show is improvised Royo. Perhaps por eso caen en el error de repetir lo mismo decenas de veces, literalmente.
Es algo como esto: "Tú eres Marcos y le lanzas palabras hirientes a ella que es Roxana, a Rocío la ignoras lo mas que puedas y ni peles a la Lupita, haz como que no está allí" y "Tu eres Roxana y no dejes de llorar hasta que se te acaben las lagrimas", punto y final.

Además hay una ternura inmensa que me da cuando la gente del publico se pone a opinar XDDDDDDD, ¿a ellos también les pagaran o de plano sí creen que todo lo que presentan es verídico?

"Yes I am going to look, if I'm going to want to" - The Miguel.

After the play that is when you come threw Miguel Silva, a friend of Roxana (which, incidentally, met thanks to Mark who sold one day, lol). There he was introduced as a "friend" on the very same time he admitted he was in love. How beautiful is more sublime than the Stockholm Syndrome. We are back again with almost a shock confrontation between the two men in Roxana and all-except the audience cheered his name for the twenty-second time-ignore the driver.
recap briefly, the "course" Roxanne's boyfriend and she does not want prostitutes. She can no longer return to his former partner (who had 2 daughters, one of whom died of cancer) because the guy is almost-almost chained. The poor woman lost contact with her mother and I could not get his daughter because the said Marcos said he would kill her. But the best was yet to come ... Rocío Omar Hernández Sánchez Azuara presented, the former girlfriend Roxanne (the guy who had left because he drank a lot). The Dew it messes with the plan to defend the Roxana but the first thing is to demand that he had abandoned him and his daughter XDDDDDDD, MEGA EPIC FAIL! The Roxana at the time and wanted to be six feet under because they could not bear so many kicks in life.
I will not lead the same thing over and over again so ... Do you believe that to be heights of the life of Roxana program is already very unhappy? Then comes the best goal baked popcorn and soda fence by that, after all, the program lasts about 2 hours.

The Omar angry with Roxana.

The plant Omar very macho role and will not forgive the poor woman, but also puts you on you to Mark (which lasted a long time quietly) for threatening to your baby and mother almost level but the production once again stopped the blood bath (yes, I'm exaggerating).
Doña Tomasa and beyond the background is Precious

But there is not all, then also have to Tomasa's mother, Roxana what do you think? Tomasa also defends his daughter! The lady is outraged because long ago knew nothing of the Roxy and she thought he no longer loved her blah, blah, blah. And more unfortunately for the life of the poor woman tells Rocío more bad news: the father of Omar, or his ex-father has lung cancer and Doña Tomasa has breast cancer. finally sprayed with holy words and full of philosophy and convinces deduction Dona Tomasa to forgive his poor daughter, Dona Tomasa ignored. Mother and daughter embraced, after a while joined to embrace the Omar and Miguel (which went unnoticed by most of the program), the Marcos had already taken and the Dew was very happy because his work had been done and their loyal fans applauded him again.
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, at this point I had already taken two aspirin but wanted me to take my left over the whole pot full.
"You see why Roxanne is the # SufroComoPrecious clear winner? The poor woman could not be more humiliated and depressed but to make it twice suffered was initiated which already seemed quite pathetic.
were 55 painful minutes of repeating the same thing over and over again (I'm not counting the ads) of mediocre drama, pathetic pseudo-action, clichés flights, etc, etc. etc.

This could be a perfect case to make the plot of a novel. It could be called something like "Mary Forsaken" (yes, it would be plagiarism of a character from another television but they work well.)

was not the only case, then presented to such a Montserrat Vela had the same problem as Roxana, a bit of variation in history and was the sole executioner Rafael was the same as the Marcos but lighter ones . For everything else the script was basically the same so I do not like to comment because I do not know how to end this awful thing.

Throughout the transmission, before sending commercial, the Dew insisted that we would hear the harrowing story of a family who survived the earthquake in Japan. I thought (I wanted to believe) that would be the only truth that emanate from this program so I waited with some intrigue, but what what happened? The Mexican family had to tell his story running around the time he had left the program. Were 8 minutes that took the air to tell their incredible experience. One time too mediocre and ridiculous can the family lasted sooooo minutes waiting to air and tell how they lived and all they get are stupid 8 minutes? Really? At this point my brother and I did not know whether to laugh or mourn.
I will not further lengthen this since I've been too long (as the program itself) and the second post I include my opinion on this kind of shows and programming of the two major Mexican television stations.
Sorry if anyone was offended with some of what is written here. Do not forget above all that this is just my humble opinion.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Best And Fastest Hair Straightner

cow aristocrat "gives me a silver spoon?

If you do not like reading manga probably would not interested in this post but just below there are other better, I promise.

April Already? April Already?
Yes, I'm happy with a simple, I know, but I can not help ♥. After months of insufferable abstention becomes my favorite mangaka and I pour honey all over it or not apparent. It is silly that news make you go to heaven while everyone else look at you strangely (* RedBull come to me *).
because they got their dose every week and I each month in the FMA
Now back with a sleeve cute called "Silver Spoon" will be weekly *_______* not envy them know how much fans had the triad of kings of the Shonen Jump
time. Although in retrospect that was a plus for Fullmetal that elevated him to the place where you are now and I admit it.
Best of all, I have no idea what the story will go this time. How pathetic I right? 'D. Just know that will be set in a prep school

Hokkaido and that rule because of the images Promotional've seen a calf biting his shirt the protagonist, XDDDDDD. From there on out is pure mystery and the premiere of the first chapter is just around the corner (it will be next April 6.)
manga obviously be a tiny and modest, that is the style of Hiromu Arakawa. We've seen Stray Dog and

Raiden-18. Fullmetal Alchemist
certainly was the exception, but she herself has admitted more than once FMA was a one-shot and never in life had the idea to serialize it, but the final product was wonderful ♥. Juushin Enbu was pretty cool but have to admit that carry two sleeves at once monthly bill passes and the last chapters felt the rush to finish it.

This time I do not know what to expect from Arakawa because I can not think about what history can be treated. I do not see or alchemy superpowers, come on, what a typical shonen, but so little has come not worth speculating because nothing is impossible. At this point it would be great to have at least some data from the boy, for example. And another question is whether it will air only one star, which would be quite unusual as she always has focused on a character especially without neglecting all other accompanying him on his adventure and that we could pull on, fixed, in the category of co-stars but are secondary. remember that several years ago Arakawa confessed he wanted to do a manga based on
Ainu (an indigenous people of Hokkaido

) but looking askance at the boy and we do not look anything
them (although people do not seem Ishval according Arakawa Ainu and relied on them xD)
. In any case, the story promises enough, "and the title also. Surely in the next days we will see information more specific about it, while that happens I already drooling on my laptop keyboard also comes shortly "Fullmetal Alchemist Chronicles" and I hallucinate of happiness:).