Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can Tetralysan Cause Dysphagia

COLD FISH - Sion Sono (2010)

A macrocosm: The universe. Within
him a celestial planet millions of years ago was born and will die in as many. The entire "life" that inhabits one day be "frozen fish." But while both are alive, beats.

A microcosm: The man (and every) inhabiting this planet, who has built a "world, a cosmos, at their convenience.
Is "Live" that is human or frozen fish, cold fish?

Because of "being alive" is Cold Fish, excellent film Sion Sono. Of "being alive" while life lasts. As the planet Earth.

Performer Cold Fish, owner of a small aquarium with a family of his second wife and a teenaged daughter who resists, has not opted for life. As a protection against adverse foreign judges anesthetized sensitive hand-intuitive to avoid conflicts, has opted to be very "civilized" the best Japanese style and resigned, thus the completeness (which would contain both the light and the dark inside). Has decreased, in short, his vital capacity. And

denied at any time, appears claiming their space. And the repressed returns, this time by the whole. The "darkness" is progressing on the "false clarity" of his life in a night of "storm" through a demon, in a car "red" ...

Cold fish is a long journey of initiation (initiation, remember, is to "die" in a symbolic sense, to return to "birth") where the blood flows in spurts, the red blood of life. Hot and sensual.

The protagonist will have exhausted its life time, you can not re-start her life after initiation, after being "unfrozen" ... but it can do (and do) for their offspring, (for which come after the rest of humanity, metaphorically speaking) to change the rules in use. Start

her daughter in pain. Because life is also pain and denial, disguise, obscure, as he actually is nothing to deny life. The complete life.


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