Sunday, May 13, 2007

Manic Panic At Shoppers Drug Mart Calgary

If you wish to follow the women, get ahead.

Baroque evokes strong images of women in pink flesh and voluptuous curves. Excess, overstatement, opulence ...

In Spain, the reality was quite different. They were turbulent times, characterized by excessive bureaucracy and indifference of the monarchs by the common people, endless religious wars financed with gold from the colonies, and counter-reforms, poverty, depopulation of the countryside and famine.

other hand was a prolific time in the field of art and literature, along comes a new genre: the picaresque novel.

The religious fervor of some monarchs jeopardized the business of brothels (brothels). The high-level courtesans go unnoticed and apparently tried to virtuous women. Were sometimes accompanied in public by a woman (owner) that actually were pimps or matchmaking.

Here you will find an interesting article on courtesans in Madrid Baroque.

Some memorable quotes of the day:

"Gold is like women, who all speak ill of them and we all want." FĂ©lix Lope de Vega.

"If you wish to follow the women, get ahead," Francisco de Quevedo.

"We pretend that we are, we are what we pretend" Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

"What good if brief, twice good", Baltasar Garcia.


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