Wednesday, May 2, 2007

.cht Gpsphone Emeraude

The decline in the Middle Ages

In general, prostitution in medieval towns and especially in the north, took the form of the brothels closed, although there were cases of street dancing as a harp and harpers and harp.

Prostitutes in the Middle Ages as exercising their trade union recognition, appearing in solemn entries of princes in the population celebrates with offerings of flowers. It was not uncommon not so large that visitors dignitaries, on the other hand the gifts lavished with dances and festivities. This occurred in Vienna during the reign of Emperor Sigismund in 1435 and Prague in the Emperor Albert II

ordinations on the trade of prostitutes were as common as minute, denying, however, the right of citizenship from the century XV. Were forced to wear special clothing, separating them from honest women, even in graves, reserving special place in the churches. We must not forget that the small population and less wealth of medieval towns prevented the luxury and splendor which accompanied the development of prostitution in Greece and Rome.

The sources consulted agree that the prohibition, regulation and the abolition of prostitution occurred throughout the centuries, with mixed results.


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