Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sergey Dankanich In Moskau

The sense of opportunity

"(...) all virtues that a court must possess the sense of time was perhaps crucial (...). already facing poverty or scandal, his genius was to invert the difficult circumstances to achieve maximum benefit and pleasure. It was the right thing at the right time. "

In his memoirs, Celeste Vénard, dancer known as Mogador, says he never wanted to be courteous but one night he was in the crowded ballroom Bal Mabille, a polka played with such passion, his way of dancing was so provocative that it was a solid reputation in one night. When she and her companion left dance a swarm of men surrounded her. The way he danced that night, his life would never be the same.

" The comic sense of timing, which depends on the surprise, is a skill ineffable, difficult to teach or even describe ."
The Greeks believed that laughter could make the soul was immortal, the air of laughter rises into the sky. With the advent of Christianity changed this idea, it was believed that laughter was the sure way to hell. The Renaissance revival of classical ideas was therefore not surprising that was the time when courtesans became fashionable. Women who exercised the profession they had been associated with joy. Cora Pearl

courtesan of the Second Empire, was famous for his sense of humor particularly rough. Among his many famous fans was Prince Napoleon.
Dining one night, at the height of his power, Pearl spent his guests a joke that became legendary. With the excuse that he had to supervise the dessert was absent from the table. He undressed and got into a huge silver tray where the pastry chef decorated his body with rosettes and coverage of sauces and creams. He placed a grape in her navel depression, surrounded it with meringue and dusted with icing sugar before going down the huge silver cap. When the lid is lifted, its presence is revealed suddenly, creating an indispensable element of comedy: surprise.

Courtesans used fashion as a weapon of seduction. No one should be à la mode, a successful court had to stand out among fashionable ladies. Could not afford to be boring and thanks to his sense of timing always had to spend a few steps ahead.


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