Monday, May 9, 2011

Free Kates Playground Full Set

Before you go ... Uncertainty

"Nearby lie the remains of a being that
possessed beauty without vanity, strength without insolence,
is courage without ferocity and all the virtues of man without vices. "
[phrase that Lord Byron wrote as an epitaph for his dog]
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And they were many years, a lot of pain in his four legs ... Misty died early yesterday, apparently in his sleep. What I can say it has not already said on other occasions. Although with us for over a decade I have not shed a single tear, you can not mourn the death of someone whose suffering was longer than his agony. It hurt more to see her alive, struggling to breathe, to see his body and, motionless and silent.

course I miss you, there's no doubt. I will miss when I come home and find only two moving furry tail. I will miss her when you say his name by mistake, it serves cakes for two instead of three. When you see crumbs scattered on the kitchen and she is not there, the lookout, trying to eat anything that falls from the stove. I will miss her to look back and realize that there is no one following in my footsteps. When we move house and leave behind all that live here, share and dream. These walls saw it grow, play and die.

This is perhaps all I can say about it. I wish I could spend better words but right now I do not get anything. Below is a video in his memory with some of the many photographs we have of it.

Neither the post title or the song of the video have been chosen at random. "Before you go" is the name of the photo album I have of Misty in my laptop, photographs I took in the last months of life. song "The time came" appears on the OST of Pokemon (yeah, yeah, the anime that caused furor years ago). Pokemon Misty came when he enjoyed huge fame (hence it gets its name), one month before arrival Tyke died, our dog. That song was a balm in troubled times and now again, 11 years later to become the background music of a small tribute to the life of my dog.

* To enjoy the video, should be left pause a while to wait for it to finish loading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Perrier Water Good For Digestion

Continua Alliance publishes its recommendations on interoperability of PHR

CONTINUES ALLIANCE has published its recommendations on the interoperability of PHR (Personal Health Record), these conclusions have been developed within the framework of the project SMART PERSONAL HEALTH.
More information: CGALLEGO.ES

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is It Illegal To Have A Electric Generator?

prefer your order in this world ...

"Thousand and one nights malice, a thousand and one nights of intimidation,
thousand and one nights of fire and greed, a thousand and one nights without God or forgiveness
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Osama Bin Laden is dead .

And here is where you could end this post, but it will not. Many place-as I write these lines, the death of a leader who used terror and fanaticism as the only standard. It will be a long night of celebration in the land of Stars and Stripes. It may take days to realize that the death of the leader of Al Qaeda is not anywhere near the end of terrorism. It is not, nor ever will, justice finally come true. They killed the leader, but are followers, fans, lessons, ammunition and weapons but especially the terror. No matter how many killed or has to spend many years, society has already learned to live with an eternal fear of everything and will continue.

I've never understood the war, not one. While it is true that it was precisely the armed conflicts that have made us who we are it seems illogical that in the XXI century still resort to violence as the ultimate solution to their problems. The world's most wanted man has been killed during the government of a Nobel Peace , a man who in his speech said award, basically, there are times is necessary to kill a few to prevent the deaths of thousands . One justification that has been used before and also USA. George W. Bush always spoke of "preventive wars", ie going to kill before being killed. The action in Iraq was the most shameful and disgusting in his government. We might also remember the man who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, never regretted his act and even said he would do it again if necessary because it helped that there were fewer victims. Still, U.S. always wants to stand as heroes of this story (is the country which ensures that peace is the one that sells weapons? What not to build nuclear weapons will never use? * ) , advocates of democracy and freedom and do not know what else, and its citizens, innocently believe it, why are there tonight, so crazy, so elated, so happy and content.

I'm not saying that Osama Bin Laden deserved to live, not one to make a statement of that caliber, but it is a matter of logic to realize that the problem here is just beginning. Al Qaeda not cease to exist because their leader is dead. The tube full years to train and supervise people who would get the power when he died, was not stupid, so rest assured. There will be retaliation, be sure that I do not know how long it will take to the American people understand the situation we have in the future as they have apparently never understood something very basic: violence begets violence, hatred breeds more hatred.

is difficult to understand why we celebrate both. Experiencing a moment of euphoria in the vain idea that finally justice has been done, I can not understand this because, as anyone out there, I can not understand a society which does not belong, so close, yes, but so far at a time. There is a border (and I mean the physical) that prevents us from understanding to the U.S.. Do not act the same way or have the same culture. We never had a 11-S, and we have an army that is capable of declaring war (I'm talking about Mexico). It's like telling an American who understands the reason why so many Latin American countries and leave their families to embark on the ordeal of crossing the border, if they really understood it would not be so racist. What we do know-and probably non-USA people is that when you kill a leader like Osama, the violence escalates to frightening levels. We are not terrorists, it is true, we have drug dealers, but both have one thing in common, they use terror to intimidate, to corner, to intimidate. Festejaríamos never catch a Mafia boss because we know that sooner or later, bullets were heard in the distance, hang the bodies of the pedestrian bridges will blankets be frightening messages, men appear mutilated Yes, take revenge, killed their leader! (The struggle for territory is another matter). I'm sure any militant group would do the same.

have to wait and see what happens in the next days, months or years but, as almost a decade ago, I would say that there is a before and after May 2, 2011 .

is not pessimism, is a matter of logic.